Eating a plant based diet can lower your risk of Cancer and Heart Disease

Eating a plant based diet can lower your risk of Cancer and Heart Disease

Plant based diets have become incredibly popular in recent years, and for good reason. A plant-based diet can dramatically lower the chance of developing chronic diseases, especially cancer and heart disease, as numerous studies have shown. This article explores the scientific data supporting these health advantages and provides helpful advice on increasing your intake of plant-based foods.

Understanding Plant Based Diets

Foods produced from plants, such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, oils, whole grains, legumes, and beans, are the main focus of a plant-based diet. Plant-based diets, as opposed to vegan diets, place more of an emphasis on plant-based foods but do not necessarily completely exclude animal products.

Antioxidants and Phytochemicals

Foods derived from plants are high in phytochemicals and antioxidants, which shield cells from harm. Antioxidants, such as beta-carotene, selenium, and vitamins C and E, aid in the body’s defence against dangerous free radicals. Flavonoids and carotenoids are examples of phytochemicals with anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic qualities.

Fiber Content

Plant-based diets that are high in fibre have been associated with a decreased risk of colorectal cancer. By encouraging frequent bowel movements and shortening the amount of time carcinogens remain in the digestive tract, fibre supports digestive health. Furthermore, fibre supports a healthy gut flora, which is important for immune system and inflammatory regulation.

Red and processed meat consumption has been linked in several studies to an increased risk of cancer, including colorectal cancer. Diets based on plants naturally restrict these foods, which lowers consumption of potentially dangerous substances like polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and heterocyclic amines, which are formed when meat is cooked at high temperatures.